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Educational Programs


ESG's educational approach involves helping students engage critically and directly with environmental and social issues. We believe that direct engagement and experience offers students the best opportunity to learn about and truly understand society and the world. We are very keen to provide such opportunities to students so that they may truly understand our society and engage with it responsibly, proactively and progressively in the cause of advancing environmental and social justice.

ChiguruExperiential Educational programs aim to develop a citizenry that is concerned and informed about environmental and social justice issues, and that has the knowledge, attitude, motivations, commitment and skills to work both collectively and as individuals towards solving current problems and preventing new ones. Read more.

Hasiru UsiruESG has advanced the environmental and social justice concerns of local communities, especially project affected communities, by organizing public interest workshops. Some of the workshops have been on specific issues and have included elected representatives, government agencies, judiciary, corporate organisations, the mass media, and civil society organisations. Read more.

ESG's internship opportunities allow interested individuals to participate in a wide variety of ESG's projects, campaigns and research and documentation areas, depending on their skills and interests. Read more.

For more Information and requests on all Education Programs, please write to [email protected].

ESG is an independent not-for-profit organisation that promotes the cause of environmental and social justice through research, documentation, advocacy, training and campaign support. We aim to support the rights of local communities and voiceless ecosystems in a responsible, progressive manner that keeps contextual complexities in mind.

Want to know more?

For more information on ESG's educational programs, write to Bhargavi at ESG

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